Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 2

Not too bad! I've decided that in addition to planning, I also want more variety. This week's meals are already planned out (and it's a lot of the same stuff in different forms), but I plan to do more research on recipes and come up with different ideas for next week.

Breakfast: same breakfast casserole as yesterday, a banana and coffee with coconut milk.

Lunch: similar salad to yesterday (spinach, avocado, bell peppers), and added grilled chicken and hard-boiled egg.

Dinner: grilled chicken marinated in balsamic vinegar, olive oil, orange juice, salt and pepper, steamed green beans, and roasted carrots. We also had fresh pineapple, which was super yummy with the chicken (since most marinades and sauces have some sort of sugar/sweetener, the pineapple was a good pop of flavor in place of that).

Snacks: black olives, cashews and an apple

1) We both felt much hungrier today than yesterday
2) I'm most tempted to have a cookie or some sort of sugary snack after the kids go to bed. Need to figure out a good solution.
3) We need to figure out fun, creative things to do as a family in addition to eating out/going out for ice cream/Sonic runs. While those things are fun and fine in moderation, it seems like a lot of the fun stuff we do revolves around food (and not healthy food).
4) Also faced with the challenge of trying to figure out a good place to go to eat out as a family while on the Whole30. Any thoughts?

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