Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Only 30 Days

Russ and I are getting a jumpstart on New Year's resolutions and changing the way we eat TOMORROW (as in, Monday, December 26th). Truth be told, since Halloween, and maybe even since the birth of our second child last March, we've had excuse after excuse to eat whatever we want, whenever we want it, with only a brief period of dieting during July and August. There is weight that needs to be lost and habits that need to be changed in our house, and the sooner the better.

A couple of months ago I stumbled upon the Whole 30, which is basically a 30-day diet where you cut out sugar/sweeteners, carbs, dairy, legumes, alcohol and pretty much all processed food.

So what does that leave, you ask? Good question: fruit, vegetables, meat and nuts (but not peanuts).

I have been pretty intimidated thinking about it, but we've decided to take on the challenge. I've used the last week to research what is allowed on the diet and to plan a week's worth of meals to get us started. This blog is basically for accountability and to record our meals, in case others want to try it and need ideas.

These are the things that will be hardest for me to give up for 30 days:
- Coke
- coffee with sweetened dairy creamer
- peanut butter
- black beans
- cheese

What I'm hoping to experience at the end of 30 days:
- higher energy level
- raised awareness of what I've been eating versus what I should be eating
- some weight loss/clothes fitting better

So, our mantra for the next 30 days: "It's only 30 days".

But the idea is that things we learn and habits we (hopefully) develop will last beyond that and bring about healthier eating in our family.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested to know how it goes. Katie and I are trying to reduce our meat intake starting Jan 1. As you said, hopefully we will form some good habits!
